LocWorld Silicon Valley
Game Localization Round Table
October 14, 2015
The full-day Game Localization Round Table is the most important video game localization conference in the world. It is open to clients (game developers and game publishers) and to qualifying vendors (game localization specialists).
The round table consists of several distinct sessions presented by experts in game localization. Are you such an expert?
We are looking for 30 minute presentations and thought-provoking questions from real life implementations that can then be discussed by the attendees. Some of the topics we would like to cover on this occasion are:
- Glocalization
- Internationalization of design and production
- Localization testing approaches
- Mobile games: casual work?
- MMO localization: Always on
- Localization and community management
- The challenges of games for new players
- More localization for tough financial times
- Learn from your localization post-mortems
- Portable games: less words, more languages
- The new frontier for game localization
- Case-studies: projects, tools, processes, staff
- It’s all about your workflow
- Tools that do safe time & money
- History and never-again mistakes
- Making game localization partnering work
We are also open to other topics so please give us your suggestions.
Organizer: Miguel Á. Bernal-Merino
Key Dates:
Proposal submission deadline: Monday, June 22, 2015
Notification of accepted proposals: Monday, August 3, 2015
Rough draft of presentation due: Monday, September 14, 2015
Final presentation due: Monday, October 12, 2015
Preconference: Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Speaker registration:
Game Localization Round Table speakers are entitled to free preconference day registration. A discount code will be e-mailed to all speakers prior to the conference.
Review of proposals:
All papers submitted will be reviewed and evaluated by the Game Localization Round Table organizer and its associated advisory board.