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Engaging Global Customers

LocWorld30 Tokyo. April 13-15, 2016

We hear the mantra from all sides – we probably say it to others: People are more apt to purchase when they are reading in their native language. Internal teams are more likely to understand corporate policies if they learn about them in their mother tongue. Make your website global. Translate your end-user documents.

But these steps are not the whole story. How do you engage your global customers so that they are satisfied, loyal users who will come back to you again and again for products and services? How do you reach out to project team members so that they understand exactly what is expected, resulting in everyone’s satisfaction? How do you design user interface to be comfortable to use? How do you ensure better adoption of your products and services? How do you provide sales and product support that is locale-friendly and immediately useful?

This is the heart of localization. While there are many important issues such as what technology to use, what process to follow or how to manage projects, the ultimate desired outcome is engaging our global customers.

So, how do we do it? This is the focus of LocWorld30 Tokyo. Perhaps you have answers or perhaps you have your own questions. We solicit your proposals.

The 2016 theme, Engaging Global Customers, is not meant to restrict the content of the conference. We encourage presenters to submit proposals that fit with the theme or the general interest areas listed below:

  • Advanced Localization Management: The latest information on trends, processes, technologies and influences that shape the world of localization.
  • Content Strategy: Explores the need for content strategy, content standards and repeatable processes and examines the role of translation and localization in our mobile, global, on-demand world.
  • Global Web: Leading companies, each with an outstanding web presence, offer their expertise for launching and maintaining a worldwide web platform.
  • Global Business: Practical insights for companies that want to venture with confidence into new international markets.
  • Localization Core Competencies: Introductory information for companies that need to localize, but are unsure where to start.
  • LSP: Information about how to run better organizations and increase the profitability of language service providers.
  • TAUS: Best practices and solutions for automating translation and evaluating translation quality, and on how systems and services all work together through standards and application programming interfaces.

About LocWorld

LocWorld brings together professionals who are engaged in the business of adapting products, services and communications to an international audience so as to appear native to that particular region. With an emphasis on creating a friendly atmosphere that puts newcomers at ease and welcomes old friends with a smile, the conference provides ample opportunities for networking and doing business. The strong main program, a preconference day of in-depth workshops, the full exhibit hall and networking events allow attendees to increase their knowledge, develop profitable strategies and form new alliances.

The last conference, June 2015 in Berlin, attracted 80 presentation submissions, of which 21 were accepted (acceptance rate of 26%).


Please submit your main conference presentation proposal below.

Please fill out the form below and press the “submit” button. You will then see a confirmation when you scroll down. If you have any difficulties with the form, please contact Kris Wiegand to submit your proposal.


Proposal submission deadline: October 30, 2015
Notification of accepted proposals: January 12-22, 2016
Rough draft of presentation due: March 2, 2016
Final presentation due: March 30, 2016
LocWorld30 Tokyo: April 13-15, 2016

Frequently asked questions

Speaking at Localization World (the largest localization event in the world, taking place annually on three continents) provides you the opportunity to share your ideas and experience with your peers. Presenters are entitled to FREE conference admission on the day of their presentation or 50% off the admission of the full two-day conference. MicroTalk speakers receive a $200 discount on a full conference registration.
The Localization World program committee will review all proposals. Using the feedback from the program committee, the program chairs create an initial draft program. The program committee reviews the draft program and offers suggestions and feedback. The program chairs may add additional speakers and topics at their discretion to round out the program.

The program committee gives preference to presentations:

  • That contain fresh material and have not been recently presented at other events
  • That, if submitted by a vendor, includes a client (a submission without a client is rarely accepted)
  • With speakers who have permission and funding to attend the conference
  • That, if proposing a panel, includes the speaker names and company names of proposed panelists
  • With a title that generates interest, and accurately reflects the content of the presentation
  • That are not sales pitches


Please note that speakers are not reimbursed for travel or related expenses.