On June 7-8, 2016, LocWorld31 Dublin 2016 will co-host the 5th FEISGILTT and 7th XLIFF Symposium.
FEISGILTT 2016 will cover all of this:
- 1st ever TMX Symposium, is it the time for TMX next?
- 7th International XLIFF Symposium
- Integrating NLP into L10N in the Federated Interoperability Track
- Non-XML serializations of XML based data models – Come JLIFF!
- XLIFF 2 Abstract Object Model
Details of each of these tracks can be found in the CFP at https://locworld.com/feisgiltt2016-cfp/
– Plus sign up for e-mail notification when this FEISGILTT event details are updated.
We look forward to meeting you in Dublin
On behalf of FEISGILTT Program Committees
David Filip, General Chair of FEISGILTT
Microsoft released their XLIFF 2 Object Model as an Open Source project on GitHub.
Adobe released an XLIFF 2.0 connector for AEM, Adobe Experience Manager, the leading Enterprise Web Management System.
In Dublin 2014, Vancouver 2014 and Berlin 2015, the community let us know loud and clear that they want to use the XLIFF 2 goodness also outside XML. We heard the community and formed a brand new OASIS Technical Committee, XLIFF OMOS TC, that is for Object Model and Other Serializations of XLIFF and other Localization XML standards.
XLIFF OMOS TC is chartered to work on an abstract Object Model of XLIFF 2 and on non-XML serializations thereof. This work couldn’t be performed by the XLIFF TC itself as it was out of scope of the committee’s charter.
The XLIFF TC is busy adding new advanced modular features in the XLIFF 2.1 edition. Let’s come and discuss all this in Berlin! Feature requests for XLIFF 2.2 are being collected.
Also this year, the traditionally successful XLIFF Symposium will be for the 5th time integrated as a Track in FEISGILTT, the peer reviewed Federated Event dedicated to Interoperability Standardization in Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, and Translation Technologies. FEISGILTT and hence XLIFF Symposium are colocated with the leading industry conference in the Localization space, Localization World.The Symposium builds on success of the 1st and 2nd XLIFF Symposia which were both held in Europe, 1st as an LRC XV preconference, the 2nd at TM Europe 2011, the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 5.5th, and 6th Symposia were collocated with LocWorld in Seattle 2012, London 2013, Dublin 2014, Vancouver 2014, and Berlin 2015 respectively.
Call For Papers is out; please propose presentations, demos, papers, posters etc. through EasyChair!
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This track builds on success of the ITS 2.0 Tracks that were part of the first and second FEISGILTT, now that ITS 2.0 has become a W3C recommendation (29th October 2013) it is time to broaden horizons and look into the wider implementation context of content analytics in localization using, established, brand new and emerging data and metadata exchange formats.With this track, we aim to gather current and potential users of content analytics, a set of technologies to make use of large amounts of unstructured, often textual content. We want to discuss the role standardized formats such as ITS 2.0 can play in multilingual content analytics, as well as the role of the growing amount of freely available knowledge resources represented as multilingual linked data.
Call For Papers is out; please propose presentations, demos, papers, posters etc. through EasyChair!
WATCH THIS SPACE! Sign up for e-mail notification when the FEISGILTT event details are updated.
Call For Papers is out; please propose presentations, demos, papers, posters etc. through EasyChair!
WATCH THIS SPACE! Sign up for e-mail notification when the FEISGILTT event details are updated.