English is the working language of the conference.  大会的工作语言为英语
For Information in Chinese, please click here. 请点击此处,获取中文内容.


Tracks (click icon for an overview):


Session Follows Conference Theme:
Recommended Experience Level:   Beginner |   Intermediate |   Advanced |   Everyone |

Hawaii San Francisco Los Angeles New York
9:00 – 12:30
A Relevance Approach to Cultural Competence in Localization Training and Practice | P06 |
Presented in Chinese
Peng Wang - Localization Institute
Game Localization Round Table -Exequo, Tencent | P01 |
Special Registration Requirement, 同声传译 – Simultaneous Interpretation
Victor Bonhomme - Exequo 
Gunnar Hojem - Sony Interactive Entertainment 
Emil Lu - Blizzard Entertainment 
Elena Szeto - Tencent 
Yueting (Claire) Tan - Mogu Studio 
Kah Hui Teo - Keywords Studios 
Emily Wei - Linguitronics Co., Ltd. 
Camille Xu - Linguitronics Co., Ltd. 
Jinjin Xu - Tencent 
Elvis Zhang - Blizzard Entertainment
Host: Li Tang
Introduction to Localization - e2f | P04 |
Scott Schwalbach - LocalizationEvolved
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 17:00
Attracting and Developing Talent: A LocWorld Initiative | P07 |
Special Registration Requirement
Ann Chen - Welocalize 
Alex Han - Beijing Language and Culture University 
Costanza Marinelli - Larsen Globalization Ltd 
Lily Wen - Adobe
Moderators: Ulrich Henes,
Peng Wang
Game Localization Round Table -Exequo, Tencent | P01 |
Special Registration Requirement, 同声传译 – Simultaneous Interpretation
Victor Bonhomme - Exequo 
Gunnar Hojem - Sony Interactive Entertainment 
Emil Lu - Blizzard Entertainment 
Elena Szeto - Tencent 
Yueting (Claire) Tan - Mogu Studio 
Kah Hui Teo - Keywords Studios 
Emily Wei - Linguitronics Co., Ltd. 
Camille Xu - Linguitronics Co., Ltd. 
Jinjin Xu - Tencent 
Elvis Zhang - Blizzard Entertainment
Host: Li Tang
TAUS Translation Technology Showcase - SDL Trados, CSOFT International | P03 |
Claudia Di Lorenzo - Translated 
Jocelyn He - SDL Trados 
Yongpeng Wei - Beijing Lingosail Technology Co., Ltd 
Carl Yao - CSOFT International 
Jing Zhang - Tmxmall
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Tracks (click icon for an overview):


Session Follows Conference Theme:
Recommended Experience Level:   Beginner |   Intermediate |   Advanced |   Everyone |

9:00 – 12:30
Game Localization Round Table -Exequo, Tencent | P01 |
Special Registration Requirement, 同声传译 – Simultaneous Interpretation
Victor Bonhomme - Exequo 
Gunnar Hojem - Sony Interactive Entertainment 
Emil Lu - Blizzard Entertainment 
Elena Szeto - Tencent 
Yueting (Claire) Tan - Mogu Studio 
Kah Hui Teo - Keywords Studios 
Emily Wei - Linguitronics Co., Ltd. 
Camille Xu - Linguitronics Co., Ltd. 
Jinjin Xu - Tencent 
Elvis Zhang - Blizzard Entertainment
Host: Li Tang
Introduction to Localization - e2f | P04 |
Scott Schwalbach - LocalizationEvolved
A Relevance Approach to Cultural Competence in Localization Training and Practice | P06 |
Presented in Chinese
Peng Wang - Localization Institute
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 17:00
Game Localization Round Table -Exequo, Tencent | P01 |
Special Registration Requirement, 同声传译 – Simultaneous Interpretation
Victor Bonhomme - Exequo 
Gunnar Hojem - Sony Interactive Entertainment 
Emil Lu - Blizzard Entertainment 
Elena Szeto - Tencent 
Yueting (Claire) Tan - Mogu Studio 
Kah Hui Teo - Keywords Studios 
Emily Wei - Linguitronics Co., Ltd. 
Camille Xu - Linguitronics Co., Ltd. 
Jinjin Xu - Tencent 
Elvis Zhang - Blizzard Entertainment
Host: Li Tang
TAUS Translation Technology Showcase - SDL Trados, CSOFT International | P03 |
Claudia Di Lorenzo - Translated 
Jocelyn He - SDL Trados 
Yongpeng Wei - Beijing Lingosail Technology Co., Ltd 
Carl Yao - CSOFT International 
Jing Zhang - Tmxmall
Attracting and Developing Talent: A LocWorld Initiative | P07 |
Special Registration Requirement
Ann Chen - Welocalize 
Alex Han - Beijing Language and Culture University 
Costanza Marinelli - Larsen Globalization Ltd 
Lily Wen - Adobe
Moderators: Ulrich Henes,
Peng Wang

Note: Preconference room allocation may be adjusted, based on session bookings.