The Venue

Marco Polo Shenzhen

Hotel address/酒店地址:
No.28, Fuhua 1st Road, Futian CBD, Shenzhen, China 518048深圳市福田中心区福华一路28号

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Room rates:
RMB850 – Superior King Room, includes breakfast, service charge and VAT
RMB1025 – Deluxe Room, includes breakfast, service charge and VAT

Please Fax or Email the completed form (DOWNLOAD HERE) to the Marco Polo Shenzhen.
(立即下载) 请将这份完整的表格回传或者发邮件到马哥孛罗好日子酒店预订部。

Tel/酒店电话 (86 755) 82989888;
Fax/传真号码: (86 755) 82728011;
Email address:/邮箱地址: 

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We would recommend you make your guest room reservation as soon as possible. Reservations should be made no later than January 31, 2017. The special conference rates are only available for a limited time and are based on availability.