LocWorld47 Berlin Networking Events

Opening Reception
Come kick off the conference with a celebration!
Monday, July 11
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Room: Pavillion
InterContinental Berlin
Budapester Straße 2
10787 Berlin
Won’t it be fun to meet each other IN PERSON?! And this opening reception is just the opportunity to do that. Here you can meet fellow attendees, connect with industry leaders, schedule conference meetings and get to know new attendees. The reception offers drinks, canapés, and friendly conversation. The reception is open to all main conference and Game Global attendees. Haven’t made it to the conference registration desk before the reception? No worries, the registration desk will be there, so you can pick up your badge and start networking. Getting to the hotel late? With the reception at the conference hotel, you can drop your bags and join the party.
Your badge is your admission ticket. Remember to wear it!
All conference attendees are invited to join us for the opening reception, which is included as part of the registration.

Please join us for an evening at the InterContinental’s L.A. Café restaurant. This is your time to chat with fellow attendees in a relaxed setting and with food and beverages that will encourage interesting, memorable, and fruitful conversations! In the past, we have transported you to another venue for the conference dinner, and we hope to do that again at a future conference. But at this time, we did not want to ask people to sit in a tight transportation vehicle with little airflow. So, enjoy the dinner at the conference hotel. Need to show something to someone and you forgot to bring it? No problem! Zip up to your room and bring it down!
All main conference attendees are invited to join us for the conference dinner, which is included as part of the registration. Your conference badge is your dinner ticket and must be worn to be admitted.
Post Conference
Wednesday July 13
7:00 pm
LocLunch and LocWorld are preparing a joint event that will take place on July 13, right after the closing ceremony, at the Biergarten at “Café am Neuen See,” a ten-minutes walking distance of the conference venue.
It will be a very special in-person LocLunch in the German capital “Mega LocLunch Berlin.” Everyone is invited.