LocWorldWide42 Networking

Networking has always been a hallmark of LocWorld conferences. To continue that experience, we have created the following special events for LocWorldWide42 attendees. Once you register, you will receive links to the opportunities below. We hope to see you there!

LWW42 Meet and Greet: Thursday, July 16, 16.00-17.00 CEST.

Here is your chance to become familiar with our networking platform, to ask questions and to meet other attendees.

Follow-up Meet and Greet: Wednesday, July 22, 19.00-20.30 CEST.

This will cover many of the things from the first gathering, plus additional topics that have arisen.

Newbies Get Together: Monday, July 27, 16.00-17.30 CEST.

Are you new to LocWorld?
Are you new to the LocWorld virtual platform? (Hello, everyone!)
Are you a LocWorld pro and would like to help a newbie meet new people?
You are most welcome to this gathering to connect with others and network.

Opening Reception: Monday, July 27, 18.00-20.00 CEST.

Our conference kickoff session.
Be welcomed to LocWorldWide42 and enjoy meeting other attendees.