Auditing Your Multilingual Content to Measure Quality
Track: Content Strategy | CS7 |
Friday, June 10, 2016, 2:15pm – 3:00pm
Held in: Wicklow Hall 1
Richard Sikes - memoQ
Val Swisher - Content Rules, Inc.
Host: Scott Abel
You have anecdotal information that the quality of some your content is poor. Perhaps it is limited to one or two languages. Perhaps you have multiple translation vendors and you think it is limited to just one of them. Perhaps your source content isn’t as easy to translate as you originally thought. Or maybe, the problem isn’t the content, but the process. In this session we will look at conducting an audit to measure the quality of your multilingual content. Specifically, we will cover what factors to consider when doing an audit of your source content; what factors to consider when doing an audit of your translated content; and obvious and not-so-obvious areas you should examine for potential problems.