Agile Means Inclusion — from Development to LSP: Part II

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL1 |   Advanced |
Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 1:15am – 1:45am
Held in: Stream 1
István Lengyel - BeLazy 
Patrícia Paladini Adell - Paladini Global

This session builds on the session presented at LocWorld40 Portugal where we discussed how continuous development/deployment and release cycles raise the need for continuous localization. We continued our research and will share new developments derived from additional data and interviews to show the current trends on the design of agile quick time-to-market localization workflows. We will also address the roles and responsibilities of developers, content authors, localization departments and language service providers (LSPs) in these types of organizations. Finally, we will discuss the competencies to be developed, the scheduling requirements and the required cross-functional organizational agreements in an organization between development, project management, technology, training and legal/compliance perspectives.

Takeaways: Attendees will get a comprehensive checklist for onboarding an LSP in continuous localization, practical advice on speeding up time-to-market in an agile localization framework and an insight for LSPs into the challenges that localization departments face.