Arabic Terminology Modernization Initiative with University Students
Track: Inside Track | IN6 | Everyone | MICRO TALK |
Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 6:00am – 6:45am
Held in: Stream 1
Abdallah El Sahhar - SAP
Throughout the past decade, it was highly noticeable that Arabic users prefer to use the product in its original language as compared to the localized Arabic software. Conducting a root-cause analysis, it was proven that millennials simply do not prefer the traditional Arabic rigid terminology offered by the professional translators. SAP has devised an initiative to revise and enhance Arabic terminologies in collaboration with a few selected universities. Through this initiative, teams of technical specialization students conduct an overall terminology revision together with SAP experts and professional translators. Revised terminologies are then made available to the Arabic-speaking users.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn about the Arabic terminology problem, the need for a solution and how we have engaged global users in solving this issue.