Ask for Localization Quality from Your Development Team

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL1 |   Everyone |
Wednesday, November 2, 2022, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Pine/Cedar
Erji Wang - VMWare
Host: Donna Parrish

Do you find a certain amount of localization issues are caused by a localization-unfriendly English source? Do you want to avoid localization issues before they occur? Prevention is better than a cure. We created a closed-loop process to improve localization quality by making the English source more localization friendly, including but not limited to a localization-friendly assessment report with auto script, in-depth reports and issue tickets for products dashboard, proactive collaboration with development for buy-in, and retrospective analysis for trend tracking. In this joint effort, we provide customers with a great user experience of localized products.

Takeaways: Attendees will learn how to assess an English source and analyze localization- unfriendly bugs to facilitate localization quality; how to collaborate with the development team regarding quality upstream; and hear about a quality upstream case study in real production.