Attracting and Developing Talent: A LocWorld Initiative - PTC, Welocalize
Track: Preconference | P10 |
Special Registration Requirement
Wednesday, October 26, 2016, 9:00am – 12:30pm
Held in: Fontaine E
Blake Carpenter - University of Texas at Arlington
Karen Combe - Localization Institute
Frédérique Froment-Kelleghan - Welocalize
Michael Klinger - Language Transactions
Gary Lefman
Peng Wang - Localization Institute
Host: Ulrich Henes
Attracting and Developing Talent continues its efforts to examine and work on solutions to the challenges of educating professionally trained staff in the localization industry to confront the coming talent shortage. In this session we will bring together people who teach localization and businesses that hire localization professionals and may have internship programs. Improving localization educational programs will be the main focus of the meeting. We welcome interested academics and business people to this session to contribute their ideas and solutions. We welcome interested academics and business people to this session to contribute their ideas and solutions.
This session is full.
- A Brief Introduction to the History and Motivation of the ADT Initiative – Ulrich Henes, LocWorld
- Which Talents Do Recruiters, Localization Vendors and Employees in the Localization Industry Look for? How Do They Rate Academic and Translation Programs?
- The recruiter’s point of view – Michael Klinger, Anzu Global
- The client’s point of view – Karen Combe, PTC and Gary Lefman, Cisco Systems, Inc.
- The vendor’s point of view – Frédérique Froment-Kelleghan, Welocalize
- Presentation of University Programs: Target Audience, Degrees, Advertising Effort, Demand, Number of Students, Number of Graduates Working in the Localization Industry – Blake Carpenter, University of Texas, Arlington and Peng Wang, University of Maryland
- Initiatives – Strategies – Plan of action
- Open discussion