Beat the Burnout — and Find Your Flow

Track: Inside Track | IN2 |
Thursday, June 7, 2018, 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Held in: Panorama
Andrew Lawless - Team Lawless
Host: Florian Sachse

In this session, we will focus on you, personally. It’s all about your well-being and how to balance your striving career with a sense of fulfillment in your personal life. For all the love of localization, it is also stressful, frustrating and draining. Stress is the major reason why people leave their jobs. 55.6 million European workers report that their mental well-being is being affected by stress. 62% state that beating tight deadlines is one of the reasons. Stress is the main reason for absenteeism, loss of productivity and why people leave their jobs – only to experience the same situation somewhere else. This is a highly interactive session that includes reflection, dancing and sharing. You will leave energized with an answer to a situation at home or at work that is unresolved because it is too stressful for you and you try not to focus on it. We guarantee, you will enjoy the rest of the LocWorld conference at new levels of energy and excitement. Previous participants of my full-day workshops at LocWorld have called this mini-intervention life-changing, a milestone in their lives, very enjoyable and enlightening.

Takeaways: Attendees will learn how to rewire their brains for success, use the two major forces of human behavior to create their dream career and beat the limiting beliefs that hold them back in life.