Beckman Coulter: How Advanced Dictionary Customization Transformed the Quality of its Global Customer Engagement Program

Track: Content Strategy | CS1 |
Thursday, October 27, 2016, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Mont-Royal/Hampstead/Côte St-Luc
Wojciech Froelich - Argos Multilingual 
Daniel Koenig - Beckman Coulter, Inc.
Host: Scott Abel

Beckman Coulter develops, manufactures and markets products that simplify, automate and innovate complex biomedical testing for diagnostics and life sciences laboratories across seven continents. Beckman is no stranger to the struggle between deadlines, cost and quality; like many other global businesses in this area, it is under pressure to meet regulatory demands while containing costs and hitting shipping dates. This case study examines how businesses can integrate sophisticated automated quality assurance with human linguistic processes using stemming dictionaries programmed with regular expressions and automated quality assurance tools. Attendees from both the client and the supplier side will be able to relate to this topic while learning from practical examples.

Takeaways: How quality is measured and assured within the highly regulated medical technology industry (presented from the client’s point-of-view); an approach to quality assurance that leverages both automated technology and specialized human involvement; what can be automated, how automation should be integrated and what really needs to be left to the experts.