CEO Panel — Top Industry Players

Track: Go Global, Be Global | GO3 |   Everyone |
Thursday, November 7, 2019, 2:45pm – 4:00pm
Held in: Regency 1
Paul Danter - RWS Moravia 
Adolfo Hernandez - SDL 
Smith Yewell - Welocalize
Moderator: Véronique Özkya

Join us for an insightful talk with the CEOs of our industry’s largest language service providers (LSPs) — those with revenues above $200 million. As the language industry continues to grow, it has become more complex to serve an ever growing number of markets across many verticals. Fast progress in automation, neural machine translation and AI also bring additional challenges and opportunities. In this session, we’ll explore how the CEOs of the largest LSPs have created success and how they prepare for the future. What new services are high on their agendas? How do these organizations maintain their competitive advantage? Where do they see the industry in the next five years?