Challenges of Reuse in Translation
Track: Content Strategy | CS4 |
Thursday, June 9, 2016, 4:30pm – 5:15pm
Held in: Wicklow Hall 1
Ann Rockley - The Rockley Group Inc.
Host: Scott Abel
Reuse is a critical component of effective intelligent content. Reusable content reduces the time required to create, manage and publish content products and reduces translation costs significantly. However, granular reuse (small fragments of content) can cause significant problems in translation as context is lost or word placement changes based on language. Even larger chunks of content such as topics can be problematic. It is critical to address the needs of translation during the development of your reuse strategy. In this session we will identify the benefits of content reuse, different types of reuse, potential problem areas for reuse and translation, as well as best practices for reuse when translating content.