Learning the Language of Voice: Creating Content for Conversational UX

Track: Content Management | CM4 |
Thursday, October 18, 2018, 4:30pm – 5:15pm
Held in: Marina
Lee Engfer - Mayo Clinic
Host: Scott Abel

The Mayo brothers’ primary value was simple: “The needs of the patient come first.” More than 150 years later, Mayo Clinic is transforming the way it provides trusted health information for patients and consumers. Building on the evolution from print to web and mobile content delivery, last year Mayo Clinic developed a first aid skill for Amazon Alexa and is currently building out voice-ready versions of their extensive health information library.

Takeaways: In this presentation, audience members will learn tips on structuring and writing conversational content; challenges and lessons learned from Mayo Clinic’s experience; and how translation and language experience can inform voice content development.