Community, Crowd-sourced, Volunteer-driven Localization: Challenges and Best Practices

Track: Inside Track | IN8 |   Everyone |
Thursday, November 3, 2022, 2:30pm – 3:15pm
Held in: San Jose/Santa Clara
Peiying Mo - Mozilla 
Carolina Salazar - Khan Academy 
Jeannette Stewart - Translation Commons
Moderator: Anna Berns

Learn from some amazing folks who run nonprofit localization programs supported by volunteers, often the community who uses their tools!  We will discuss pain points, tips, and successes of this particular type of localization process. Panelists will share their experiences working with communities of volunteers from a variety of nonprofit tech organizations.

Takeaways: Attendees will learn best practices for working with volunteer translators; hear about some top challenges and how to overcome them; and how to show appreciation for folks you don’t pay!