Data-Driven Translation Content Management for Rocket Scientists

Track: Content Management | CM3 |
Thursday, June 6, 2024, 3:30pm – 4:15pm
Held in: Room 6
Robert Henson - MathWorks 
Li Yang - MathWorks
Host: Donna Parrish

Our team is tasked with translating approximately 40,000 pages of complex technical documentation every six months while ensuring consistency and accuracy. By implementing a data-driven translation and validation process, we have not only managed to reduce costs and improve quality but also cut months from delivery times to our customers, including rocket scientists, in engineering and scientific fields. Our approach integrates CAT tools with internal data analytics platforms, enabling efficient planning, resource allocation, and an automated workflow for effectively managing and prioritizing documentation translation.


  • A way of thinking about prioritization in large-scale translation projects;
  • How we combined CAT data and business metrics to prioritize translation;
  • How we optimized our process by identifying areas for continuous improvement.