Why Data Is Like a Fortune Teller
Track: TAUS | TS2 |
Thursday, June 7, 2018, 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Held in: Warsaw Hall 2
Shiran Moser-Nielsen - Bang & Olufsen
Irving Navarrete - Alfresco Software
Jack Welde - Smartling
Host: Jaap van der Meer
We often look at data reactively, measuring what’s already happened in our processes and how content has already performed. But what if there was a way to use data and machine learning to predict how good your translations will be? In this session, we will examine applications of machine learning for predicting translation quality, with best practices and clear steps for how you can start thinking about data to improve translation quality, accelerate time to market for global content and reduce your overall cost of translation.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn how machine learning can provide predictive measures on translation quality, and what actionable next steps business leaders can take to get the most out of localization.