Delivering Business Value Through AI

Track: TAUS | TS3 |
Thursday, October 18, 2018, 2:45pm – 4:00pm
Held in: Sound
Alon Lavie - Phrase 
Arle Lommel - CSA Research 
Chris Wendt - Microsoft
Moderator: Bill Lafferty

Rapid developments in machine translation (MT) technology are transforming the localization supply chain. From rule-based, to statistical, to neural machine translation, MT can now deliver transcendent levels of language coverage and translation quality. With most of the underlying technologies being open source, artificial intelligence (AI) implementations have spread to areas such as language identification and speech transcription. What’s next? Besides MT, what technology promises to deliver the most business value utilizing AI? What improvements can we expect in the near future and how will they change the way companies structure their localization strategies?

Takeaways: Attendees will be able to assess the current state of AI and machine learning as they relate to their localization processes. Industry experts will provide a useful survey of the landscape, helping attendees draw actionable conclusions about their own AI strategies.