Documentation Revitalization for Global Readiness
Track: Content Management | CM1 | Everyone |
Thursday, November 7, 2019, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Gold
Ariane Duddey - Broadridge
Host: Scott Abel
Broadridge is a global financial technology company, that partners with the world’s leading companies and financial institutions. It is important that Broadridge’s content reaches a wide audience of associates and users. High-quality content – clear, concise and consistent – is of the utmost importance. With reliable tools and proven processes in place, Broadridge’s small technical communication team reenvisioned the company’s authoring methodology, gearing up content to onboard and assist users, and repositioning it as a major product component and first-line user support material. They went back to the drawing board and reconceptualized their content strategy featuring a structured writing approach aimed at a global audience, validated processes and enduring commitment. With that strategy in place, they transformed their documentation into intuitive, consistent, translation-friendly content. In this session, you will hear about their journey, and what they discovered along the way.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn about the importance of a content strategy that fully integrates translation requirements and how documentation can be transformed to become a valuable business asset focused on increasing user satisfaction and influencing customer buying decisions.