Dubbing eLearning at Scale with Human-AI Collaboration

Track: Multilingual AI | TA4 |
Wednesday, June 7, 2023, 4:30pm – 5:15pm
Held in: Live 4-5
Fabio Minazzi - Translated 
Scott Schwalbach - LocalizationEvolved
Host: Donna Parrish

Generative models have made an incredible break-through in conversational systems like ChatGPT. In this session, we will present the application of these new models to dubbing eLearning content. We will also discuss a new human-centric approach where linguists can control the generation of AI voices to deliver dubbed content with unprecedented simplicity and quality. Attendees will learn from a use case with one of the largest and most complex eLearning offerings: AWS training.

Takeaways: Attendees will get an understanding of the state of the art and the perspectives of development.