Endangered Languages and Technology

Track: Community | C6 |
Friday, November 3, 2017, 10:15am – 11:00am
Held in: Mission City Meeting Room 2
Shay Boechler - First Peoples’ Cultural Council 
Jeff Edwards - Cherokee Nation 
Manuela Noske - CLEAR Global
Moderator: Jeannette Stewart

We all know the plight of at-risk languages and want to help. Can technology help too? We will examine how communities can use technology to store, analyze and revitalize their language heritage for generations to come. Such initiatives help communities rekindle their spirits, bringing different generations together and fostering new means of preserving and communicating traditional knowledge and lore. We will share information on a few communities that have harnessed technology to build vibrant communities of local and remote practitioners, and communities that have successfully partnered with the industry to see their languages enabled and reflected in user interface and content.

Takeaways: Attendees will hear about the existence of community-driven language revitalization models; successful community-industry partnerships; and use of technology in revitalizing languages.