Engaging Global Customers at the Speed of Now — Localization for Real-time Agile Continuous Delivery
Track: Keynote | K2 |
Friday, June 10, 2016, 11:30am – 12:45pm
Held in: Liffey A
Michaela Bartelt-Krantz - Electronic Arts
Anne-Cécile Dousson-Lhéritier - Amazon
Nandan Jha - Adobe
Lisa McCabe - IBM
Chiara Pacella - Facebook
Gerard Plante - Sage Software, Inc.
Moderator: Dave Ruane
Continuous delivery of software and content is a key requisite towards accelerating time-to-market and for reaching global customers. Leading companies have recognized that all globalization activities have to be integrated with continuous development and delivery. During this session, key globalization practitioners across industry sectors, including software, technology, games and travel will share what they do to ensure continuous delivery in their agile methodology. We will discuss nuances, cheat-sheets, techniques and best practices that representative companies are using in today’s fast-changing globalization world. It is a hands-on talk on what really works for companies such as Adobe, Electronic Arts, Facebook, GetYourGuide, IBM and Sage. We will also give an assessment on “what’s next.” This will be an excellent opportunity to understand the DNA transformations happening at these big companies and get some tools to help you engage your customers at the “speed of now.”