Evaluation of Terminology Data: An Industry Feedback Session

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL11A |
Thursday, January 28, 2021, 11:00am – 11:30am
Held in: Auditorium
Hanne Smaadahl - SAP 
Sue Ellen Wright - Kent State University

High-quality data is needed in terminology resources designed for use in a range of commercial environments. With increasing demand for repurposability of terminological data, the need for guidance on the content of termbases is growing. Whether you work for a large corporation, service provider, government or non-governmental organization, the successful use and reuse of your terminology depends on the quality of the data. How can you evaluate the quality of terminological data? How can you ensure quality and continuous improvement of your data? A standard currently under development by International Standards Organization (ISO) seeks to answer these questions. In this session, we will present early findings of this work. Participants are invited to share samples, comments and insights on their own terminology quality evaluation methods. This is an interactive session, so bring your ideas and passion!

Takeaways: Attendees will gain an overview of factors that influence the quality of terminological data, sample error types and evaluation methods.