Facilitate Continuous Deployment Using the cSmoke Tool

Track: Technical | T4 |
Thursday, November 2, 2017, 4:30pm – 5:15pm
Held in: Grand Ballroom G
Lilian Rossi - Autodesk, Inc. 
Vikas Saxena - Autodesk, Inc.
Host: Teresa Marshall

At Autodesk, there are many consumers of localization builds such as the testing team, product team and downstream applications. If teams have to wait for a long time to decide whether it should be consumed or not then it’s counterproductive. In this presentation, we will talk about a set of tools developed to check build quality right at the time of build creation to facilitate decision making thus saving time, cost and efforts. Some of the testing efforts have been drastically reduced from a week to less than an hour. Systems have been deployed and used by internal and external teams.

Takeaways: Attendees will learn how the Autodesk localization team uses a platform approach in the continuous delivery of localized products to assess the usability and health of a build.