FEISGILTT - Kaleidoscope, Logrus Global
Track: Preconference | P02 |
Wednesday, October 26, 2016, 9:00am – 12:30pm
Wednesday, October 26, 2016, 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Held in: Jacques Cartier
Klaus Fleischmann - Kaleidoscope
Serge Gladkoff - Logrus Global
Soroush Saadatfar - ADAPT Centre
Yves Savourel - Argos Multilingual
Host: David Filip
The 7.5th XLIFF Symposium
- Come discuss the newest Public Review Draft of XLIFF 2.1
- Learn about the progress of the XLIFF OMOS specs
- The Abstract Object model for XLIFF 2 and Other Serializations
- JLIFF, the JSON serialization in progress at the TC
- XLIFF 2 +gls: TBX Basic Mapping
- TMX and successors developments
The 1st TAPICC Symposium
- Come to introduce and propose your Translation API use case!
- The TAPICC effort will start with this Requirements Gathering that will set scope for the new GALA led API standardization effort.
- Most significant use cases for the Translation API will be gathered and used to set scope and priorities for the Industry Standard Translation API development.