Track: Preconference | P04 |
Full-day Program - MORNING SESSION
Wednesday, June 3, 2015, 9:00am – 12:30pm
Held in: Salon 7 Wien
Walter Bauer - censhare AG
Loïc Dufresne de Virel - Intel Corporation
Roger Fienhold Sheen - infotexture
Ryan King - Microsoft
Christian Lieske - SAP
Patrik Mazanek -
Marc Mittag - MittagQI – Quality Informatics
Robert Motzke - censhare AG
Kevin O’Donnell - Global10x
Phil Ritchie - Vistatec
Felix Sasaki - DFKI
Yves Savourel - Argos Multilingual
Bryan Schnabel - XLIFF
Chase Tingley - Spartan Software Inc.
Martin Wunderlich - censhare AG
Andrzej Zydroń - XTM International
Host: David Filip
FEISGILTT Federated Track is the business-friendly showcase and discussion forum of the 4th FEISGILTT and 6th XLIFF Symposium. This year industry and academic internationalization and localization interoperability experts will showcase and discuss XLIFF 2 and ITS 2.0 implementations. Requirements will be gathered for XLIFF 2.2 and status of XLIFF 2.1 will be shared with the community. Toolmakers, CMS makers and large publishers will discuss XLIFF 2 implementation success stories and lessons learned. Object model based interoperability beyond XML will be also discussed.