Finding the Right Words When it Matters Most: The Process and Art of Influencing Customers for Energy Efficiency
Track: Global Business | GB2 |
Thursday, June 4, 2015, 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Held in: Salons 4-5 London
Chi-Wei Chang - Opower
Michael Stevens - Translated
Host: Tommaso Rossi
The internet of things is often about how to make a better product. Opower’s approach is to figure out how to influence behavior of the consumers using the product. When the average person thinks about their energy usage for only nine minutes a year, every word matters when trying to capture the uninterested consumer in this small window of opportunity, and as a team, Opower and Moravia address this challenge globally. Opower is a leading customer engagement partner of utility suppliers worldwide that, through the application of behavioral science to big data and assisted by Moravia’s ability to provide people with intimate market access, reaches over 50 million customers globally and has saved over 5 TWh. That’s enough energy to power the city of Munich, or a population of 1.3 million people, for a year.