From Global Is Great to Becoming Locally Relevant Globally

Track: Content Management | CM2 |
Thursday, October 18, 2018, 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Held in: Marina
Claire Pagès - Expedia Group 
Craig Wood - Expedia Group
Host: Scott Abel

Expedia Group operates in many countries worldwide and to be truly locally relevant reaches far beyond just having products on the shelves, additional international points of sale or presence in a country. It instead requires a constant investment in not just localization but many other factors that together enable an experience that feels local. During this session we will share Expedia’s own journey to help take travelers from anywhere to any place.

Takeaways: Attendees will learn more on Expedia’s challenges and strategy to becoming more locally relevant and show that localization is one of the enablers of this North Star and can only be successful in the context of a wider company push for better customer experience (with other factors influencing the success like development, marketing, user experience, voice and so on).