From Start to Finish Line: In the Race to Win Global Audiences

Track: Engage Global Users | EG10 |
This session will be 30 minutes long, ending at 10:15 am.
Thursday, January 28, 2021, 9:45am – 10:30am
Held in: Stream 1
Marina Malkevich - Verizon Media 
Aline Pereira - Verizon Media

As digital marketing becomes an indispensable ingredient in a company’s growth strategy and takes its place as a crucial element in the user engagement equation, how can we connect the dots leading to and from localization to offer a relevant experience for our global audience? Who hasn’t encountered silos, friction and discombobulation trying to deliver on the “users first” promise? In this presentation attendees will hear about challenges faced, dots connected, successes achieved and lessons learned by the localization team at Verizon Media in their journey to keep the churn rate in check and engage clicky and sticky users.

Takeaways: Attendees will learn about the importance and challenges of localizing digital marketing content and how connecting organizational, functional and data dots (including the not so obvious ones) helps us put users first and deliver relevant and engaging user experiences across the world.