From Termbase to AI: How Do I Make My Data Available?

Track: Global Toolbox | GTB5 |
Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Hosts: Klaus Fleischmann,
Christian Lang

Terminology is an excellent data source for improving AI and NMT output. It has the potential to be a game changer in corporate use of AI applications for content creation, as it effectively addresses the three issues of GenAI: consistency, hallucination, and predictability. Together, we explore how you make your terminology data available for AI tools. Some of the questions we will address are: What structure does the data need, what exchange formats are available, what do AI or NMT engines expect as input, and can this be automated?  Don’t worry: you don’t have to be an AI professional to take part!

– How terminology can impact AI-created content
– What to do to get corporate terminology ready for that
– How to feed it into the AI tools to make a difference

Target audience: Terminologists and taxonomists
Attendee experience: Intermediate