The Game Must Go On — Supporting “Always On” Localization at EA Games
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL2 |
Thursday, June 9, 2016, 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Held in: Liffey A
Michaela Bartelt-Krantz - Electronic Arts
Antonio Tejada - Capita Translation and Interpreting
Host: Monica Foresi
The shift of games to live services has had a major impact on the EA Games localization teams. Now that games are “always on,” they’ve had to step up to the challenge of delivering translations at any time and in an increasing number of languages to players around the world. These new challenges have meant higher integration with the development cycles and significant investment in automation, together with large efforts by the localization teams of both EA Games and Capita TI. Both organizations will share the challenges faced and the solutions implemented to make sure the game goes on.
Takeaways: Understanding of the complexities around supporting localization within live development cycles; use cases of automation of workflows to support always-on services and what different challenges are faced by the publisher; and language service provider support for always-on services.