Globalization at Scale: Evolution of Localization Operations in the Age of Digitalization

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL8 |   Conference Theme |   Everyone |
Thursday, June 13, 2019, 2:15pm – 3:15pm
Held in: Auditorium
Gloria Camino - Alfresco Software 
Melanie Heighway - Atlassian 
Patrick McLoughlin - Verily Life Sciences 
Oleksandr Pysaryuk - GitLab
Moderator: Henk Boxma

You’re hired to build localization from the ground up: establish processes, hire vendors, buy tools and educate the business. At first, you’re a one-person localization team, but as the company grows, you need to build an infrastructure to scale all aspects of your operations. Hear from five very different companies about how they tackled scaling their localization operations, and how they continue to evolve and adapt to change.

Topics include:

  • How to break out of the “bad habit” of thinking as an individual as opposed to thinking as a team and an organization.
  • How to build a team for success, focusing on individual strengths.
  • How to let go of some of your own tasks and empower your team to take them on as you shift to a more strategic role.
  • How to establish a scalable localization process; hurdles and best practices.
  • How technology can help.