Globalization Experience Forum: Methods and Processes
Track: Preconference | P03 |
Wednesday, June 14, 2017, 9:00am – 12:30pm
Wednesday, June 14, 2017, 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Held in: Llevant B
Cristina Farelo Lanseros - eDreams ODIGEO
Arturo López Sanabria - eDreams ODIGEO
Gaby Prado - Gaby Prado
Thomas Nishantha Scheijbeler - eDreams ODIGEO
Claire Tsai - Cloudflare
Moderator: Alberto Ferreira
The Globalization Experience Forum (GEXP) follows in the footsteps of the Localization Processes Forum, and it brings together the world of globalization services and the experience of content into one single information-packed session on the next generation of localization. Key areas of product development such as marketing and user experience are now routinely involved in the world of localization, and workflows are becoming increasingly more complex and harder to manage. On the cutting edge of these new challenges also lies opportunity and localization is directly implicated in user experience and global content strategy and marketing. Please click here for agenda details.