Globalization/Localization Maturity Analysis for New Acquisitions

Track: Technical | T2 |
同声传译 – Simultaneous Interpretation
Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Held in: Chicago/Miami
Fei Shen - IBM
Host: Gary Lefman

When dealing with a new acquisition’s product, and in order to understand the globalization/localization maturity of the product, developers have to check the source code piece-by-piece and spend much time reviewing the source code. The lack of systematic analysis against source code makes globalization development more difficult. Therefore, we would like to introduce a source code globalization deficiencies analysis application. It is a set of coding rules that can be used to identify and eliminate globalization coding errors. There is also a globalization maturity assessment application for mobile which is a user interface-based wizard where users could answers questions in 20 minutes then get an analysis report to know the product’s globalization maturity.

Takeaways: Attendees will learn about the globalization rules for systematic analysis against source code, how to measure globalization maturity of a product in order to get the globalization enablement effort and test strategy, and understand the globalization process for new acquisitions.