Going Global to Grow an International Footprint

Track: Preconference | P06 |
Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 9:00am – 12:30pm
Held in: Olympic
Paul Cerda - The Word in Bits

Ready to expand to new markets? Do you need to scale your current localization efforts to new markets with a limited budget and a small team? Are you a midsized company realizing that you have potential in new markets but aren’t sure where to begin? This half-day session will provide a high-level overview of the changes that will be required for you to successfully launch your first localized product or assess your company for achieving scale.

 In this workshop we’ll identify the essential aspects of devising a global strategy or scaling your current efforts. We’ll also give an initial overview of the tasks and pitfalls your company will likely face and how to assess the effort required to launch into new locales. The discussions are applicable for CEOs, product and program managers, as well as development, marketing and web development teams. Though each of these audiences need to prepare for new locales, understanding the implications of supporting multiple locales is applicable to each of these stakeholders.

Who Should Attend This Workshop?

  • CEOs
  • Product managers
  • Program managers
  • Development team members
  • Marketing team members
  • Web development team members