High above the Cloud(s)? Visual Software Localization 2.0 at SAP

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL8 |
Friday, June 5, 2015, 3:30pm – 4:20pm
Held in: Saal Berlin
Henk Boxma - Rigi.io 
Anke Kortenbruck - SAP
Host: Petra Dutz

In this presentation we will discuss the key aspects of localizing and translating cloud software. Hear firsthand how the requirements and processes involved in the localization of cloud software differ from the translation of onpremise software texts at SAP. You’ll also learn about the challenges that result from these differences and how they can be overcome by introducing new translation solutions. Using an SAP cloud application as an example, you will not only be guided through the entire process as it has been introduced at SAP, but also learn about the quality improvements and cost savings achieved through the implementation of this solution.