How to Design and Implement Scalable Processes on Any Team Across Organizations of All Sizes
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL8 | Everyone |
Thursday, June 8, 2023, 2:30pm – 3:15pm
Held in: High Live 1
Hilary Atkisson Normanha - Spotify
Lyly Nana - DocuSign
Daniela Navarro - Meta
Moderator: Kristy Sakai
Is there a one-size-fits-all approach to building scalable localization processes? What makes a process scalable? This diverse group of women will share best practices, workflows, and roadblocks in designing processes that scale across different organizational structures and cross-functional teams. Explore how to create processes that grow with organizations of any size, then learn how these processes can be rolled out effectively through change management that focuses on creating an organizational culture focused on scaling processes.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn what a scalable process is; hear practical tips to build a scalable process; and learn about change management to land the process.