How to Measure Translation Quality with Objectivity: A Success Story from VMware
Track: TAUS | TS1 |
Thursday, June 4, 2015, 9:00am – 10:00am
Held in: Salons 2-3 Rom
Daniel Chin - Spartan Software Inc.
Bodo Vahldieck - VMWare
Jaap van der Meer - TAUS
Host: Jaap van der Meer
Translation quality evaluation is a problem for many. The lack of metrics, common references and tools can cause friction, delays and increased costs. Not so for VMware. In 2014 the globalization team at VMware decided to develop a translation quality review platform based on the TAUS Dynamic Quality Framework. In this presentation we will present this case story and share their perspectives on how translation quality evaluation can be transformed from a painful and costly process into a strategic function for the enterprise. In support of TAUS’ initiative to provide global translation quality benchmarks, we will also talk about the VMware Corporate Globalization team’s plans to integrate their tool stack into the TAUS Quality Dashboard.