Ignite Localization Friendliness Awareness in a Developer’s Mind
Track: Core Competencies | CC2 | Everyone |
Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 9:45am – 10:15am
Held in: Sierra, Lobby Level
Allen Che - VMWare
Hongmei Shi - VMWare
Host: Hajnalka Sarvari
English source is the base of localization, and source quality significantly impacts localization quality. Is there an efficient way to make English source localization-friendly at creation? To meet this goal, we take several actions and approaches, not only by advocating localization-friendly awareness for developers in various channels but also by setting up hard blockers in technical tools. In this presentation, we will introduce our best practice on how to make English source localization friendly at the creation stage, so as to better serve localization quality.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn about challenge analysis for making source localization-friendly; the efficient way to advocate localization-friendliness into developers; the technical approach to preventing localization-unfriendly source.