How to Influence Top Management — Finding Funding for Digital Content Transformation Projects
Track: Content Management | CM3 |
Thursday, June 7, 2018, 2:30pm – 3:45pm
Held in: Warsaw Hall 3
Michael Rosinski - Astoria Software
Haseeb Shaik - Adapt Worldwide, a Welocalize Company
Claire Wiley - Canon Europe
Host: Paul Perrotta
How do you get funding for big projects? Digital content transformation is the content piece of digital transformation, the process and plan of rethinking and retooling an entire company’s processes and operations, with the goals of getting greater value for customers and removing cost. Attend this panel session to hear a conversation among industry veterans about how to find funding for digital content transformation projects. What works? What doesn’t work? How can you move forward? You’ll be surprised to hear the commentary, stories and advice. Don’t miss this panel discussion!
Takeaways: Attendees will learn that content transformation is not easy and executives are hard to convince, content transformation is key to overall success and success requires thoughtfulness, preparation and perseverance.