MateCat and Memsource Hookup with the TAUS Quality Dashboard

Track: TAUS | TS7 |
Friday, June 5, 2015, 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Held in: Salons 2-3 Rom
David Čaněk - Memsource 
Alessandro Cattelan - MateCat
Host: Jaap van der Meer

Translation quality evaluation is an underserved feature in most CAT and TMS applications. There is a growing need for quality evaluation, but the challenge is to do it right. In this session presenters will talk about translation quality: what the users want and what it takes to implement an objective and efficient system. MateCat and Memsource are the first translation technology providers that have offered their users the ability to measure and benchmark translation quality, productivity and efficiency in the TAUS Quality Dashboard.