The Internet of Things Challenges Localization
Track: Technical | T8 |
Friday, June 10, 2016, 3:30pm – 4:15pm
Held in: Liffey Hall 1
Herb Bauer -
Host: Katie Botkin
The International Data Corporation expects that by 2020, spending on the Internet of Things (IoT) will be $1.7 trillion and the IoT will have an impact on most, if not all, industries. But what does it mean for us, the translation and localization world? By using the data streams from connected endpoints, businesses will be able to analyze customer buying habits across platforms and gain deeper insights into the customer buying journey. All this content and data can’t possibly all be translated. The volume and the number of language pairs would break any translation budget. So what can be done? The need for faster turnaround times calls for an iterative localization approach — proactive rather than reactive. By incorporating machine translation and good terminology management with a new approach to localization processes, we can start to bridge the gap between data and translation. While IoT is often regional, the industry also needs to understand the technical and legal nuances of connecting IoT points in various countries. The IoT players need to understand the implications of tracking things across borders. Our localization industry can support these IoT issues through advice and testing.