How Intrapreneurs Are Building an Enterprise Content Framework at NetApp
Track: Content Management | CM1 |
Thursday, November 2, 2017, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Mission City Meeting Room 1
Anna Schlegel - Procore
Host: Scott Abel
One company, dozens of websites, a variety of information systems, different understanding of what good content means, different vice presidents and 150 countries to please… In this case study, attendees will get a peek behind the curtain to see how NetApp has organized itself to align previously siloed writers, systems and globalization professionals with a content strategy designed to transform how customers consume content. Attendees will learn how metrics, taxonomies, localization, authoring, automation, search engines, branding, modularity and a bunch of intrapreneurs are getting organized to rock this. If they are doing it, so can you…attend this session to learn how.