Is a Merger Right for Me?

Track: Language Service Providers | LSP1 |
Thursday, June 7, 2018, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Rooms 4-6-8
Kimon Fountoukidis - Argos Multilingual 
Anna Pietruszka - Exfluency
Host: Christian Arno

In our industry there are plenty of acquisitions that take place but very few mergers. Why is that? In this session we will explore the benefits and risks associated with doing a “true” merger rather than an acquisition (which is often called a merger but is just one company buying out another). We will be speaking from the perspective of having done several acquisitions and wanting to do a merger and from the perspective of someone who has successfully completed a “true” merger in our industry.

Takeaways: Attendees will see the comparison of mergers vs. traditional acquisitions, get answers to questions such as what are the advantages of a merger, and what are the risks connected to a merger?