Is There a Gold Standard for Translation Technology Stack?

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL13 |
Thursday, October 21, 2021, 3:45pm – 4:30pm
Held in: Jujama
Michal Antczak - PayPal 
Lucio Gutierrez 
Hartmut von Berg - GoTo Technologies
Moderator: Iti Sahai

Whether one is starting a new translation program or looking to update the existing technology stack, there is always a question of “where dwbegin?” It is not an easy problem to solve as each business is unique and therefore, the requirements to be included in determining the localization and translation delivery methodology need to be flexible. In this panel discussion, we aim to encourage a conversation which will be valuable to new localization managers who are establishing a translation program from scratch as well as experienced leaders in the field who are looking to find efficiencies in their existing systems.