Is There an Innovators Dilemma? Taking the Pulse of Real Innovation in the Globalization Industry
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL7 | Everyone |
Thursday, June 13, 2019, 11:30am – 12:45pm
Held in: Auditorium
Wayne Bourland - Dell Technologies
Rikkert Engels - Xillio LocHub
Roeland Hofkens - LanguageWire
Yuka Nakasone - Global Bridge
Miguel Sepulveda - King
Moderator: Dave Ruane
What is the state of innovation within our industry? Is it healthy, nonexistent, optimistic, siloed or something else? What are you doing about innovation? During this panel discussion, we will dissect this topic and look at areas such as: balancing innovation and growth, innovation maturity models and the 20% rule, types of innovations and types of companies, learning from failures, focusing resources, innovation platforms, unreinventing the wheel and how to foster a culture of innovation. We will also take a look at the innovator’s dilemma and the disruptive “small” forces which could just kick us out of the market.
We will ask the experts some of the harder questions such as:
- Why large companies don’t want innovation?
- Is it easier to acquire or grow innovations?
- How to get buy-in from the C-suite to get an innovation platform moving?
- What role does heads-up analytics play nowadays?
A group of experts representing a cross section of our industry including technology, online experience, analytics and connectivity will lead this panel discussion. We will get the room involved in the discussion and aim to have the audience walk away with nuggets of inspiration as well as tangible takeaways.