Justify Your Existence: Demonstrating the Power and ROI of Localization

Track: Data | DA5 |   Everyone |
Friday, November 8, 2019, 9:30am – 10:15am
Held in: Gold
Melanie Heighway - Atlassian 
Tarja Karjalainen - OURA 
Oleksandr Pysaryuk - GitLab 
Martin Schneekloth - RippleWorx
Moderator: Maria Kania

Localization managers on the buyer side are often put on the spot to demonstrate compelling return on investment (ROI) of company localization spend — to basically justify their existence. Industry veterans will describe the ways they’ve approached this from business perspectives as diverse as north, south, east and west at their different sized companies — from startups to large multinational corporations. They will discuss their journey entering the whirlpool of ongoing localization, standing their ground and justifying the existence and importance of localization.

Takeaways: Attendees will hear about what data to collate and analyze to demonstrate localization ROI; whom to get buy-in from and to pitch; and approaches to use in building a compelling business case. This is critical information for the localization managers as well as the vendors who support them.